Thursday, August 28, 2008


Good riddance Kansas, finally. As of right now, we are in Fountain, Colorado. Colorado is absolutely gorgeous. Klye has family here that were kind enough to put us up, let us use their shower, air our tents out, clean our filthy clothes, raid their refrigerator, and whatever else it is that we do when we are back in a civilized world. We really can't thank them enough for all of their help, and kindness. This may not come as a surprise, but Kansas was as bad as everyone said it would be. We were hoping to make up some time in Kansas by CRUISING through the flat lands with an awesome tail-wind, but it turned out all we had was a head-wind and scorching sun above our heads. We heard a few sources mention that riding at night is a great way to beat the heat in Kansas, so we tried our luck that way. It was a great way to beat the heat for sure, but not as easy as we thought it would be. The one INCREDIBLE advantage to riding at night, is the mind-blowing amount of stars that are visible out here. Almost every night was like a trip to the planetarium. Our words can never describe the sights illuminated in the Kansas night skies. While in Kansas, we also met up with a few other riders who are West-bound as well! We happened to see two bicycles outside of a pizza hut in town that were obviously those of tourists, so we decided to go inside and see what was going on. While inside, another West-bounder happened to catch a sight of our bikes and got the same idea. It was really great because from the beginning of the trip till now, we have yet to meet anyone going the same way as us. It was like a class reunion or something. Yesterday afternoon, we were lucky to get an interview with a local news paper to help promote our ride furthermore. I believe the name of the paper is the Fountain Times. Tonight we head for Denver to meet up with a friend of ours who will show us around the city while we are in the area. Both Kyle and I are extremely excited for this leg of our trip, because from here on out there will be so many amazing natural sights to be seen. The Rockies are already over-whelmingly beautiful. Hopefully more updates, and pictures, so check back when possible!


Bill Esposito said...

You guys are doing great, keep it up! Colorado is so beautiful, enjoy the ride. Love to Tammy, Paul, and the girls for taking care of you guys for a couple of days. Keep the updates coming.

Uncle Bill

Linda said...

Thanks for the update, guys. Glad you found some "bretheren" to ride with, and the part about the skies was awesome. Keep up the good work and enjoy!

GaylordJane said...

Colorado - you two are doing GREAT! Loved hearing Scott's mom's "trail stories" at Lydia Circle. We are all so proud of both of you - hope to meet you, Kyle, once you get back!

GaylordJane said...

Wyoming! You're more than 1/2 way! Keep the posts coming, we love to chart your progress. This is an amazing trek, you guys are AWESOME!